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drive 1000 Motors for sliding gates
Nice South Africa - Instruction Manuals: Automation for gates and road barriers / Motors for sliding gatesDRIVE 1000 slide gate operator (Installer Instructions)...ET DRIVE1000 INSTALLER 2016.001.003 Installer Instructions High Traffic 1000kg Slide Gate Operator Introduction....hnical Data High traffic ACDC Standard kit Rated gate mass. 1000kg 1000kg Maximum gate travel. 40m 40m Primary power supply ...
Nice South Africa - Instruction Manuals: Automation for gates and road barriers / Motors for sliding gatesDRIVE 1000 slide gate operator (User Instructions)...ET DRIVE1000 USER 2016.001.003 End User Instructions High Traffic 1000kg Slide Gate Operator Introduction. Page ...hnical Data High traffic ACDC Standard kit Rated gate mass. 1000kg 1000kg Maximum gate travel. 40m 40m Primary power supply ...
Nice South Africa - Instruction Manuals: Automation for gates and road barriers / Motors for sliding gatesDrive 300 slide gate operator (Installer Instructions)...ET DRIVE300 INSTALLER 2016.001.001 Installer Instructions 300 Low traffic 300kg Slide Gate Operator Introduction... Ready status rdy The factory default pedestrian opening is 1000 mm. The factory default auto-close time is 2 seconds. The t...
Nice South Africa - Instruction Manuals: Automation for gates and road barriers / Motors for sliding gatesDrive 500 slide gate operator - Drive 600 slide gate operator (Installer Instructions)...ET DRIVE500.600 INSTALLER 2016.001.002 Installer Instruc ons High Traffic Low Traffic 500kg Slide Gate Operators Designed, ma...N 25% Drive 600 ACDC 500 kg 400N 300N 98% Drive 1000 ACDC 1000 kg 500N 400N 98% Drive 1000 Ba ery de...
Nice South Africa - Addendum: Automation for gates and road barriers / Motors for sliding gatesDrive Series Sliding Gate Operator range extended warranty...Nice Group South Africa (Pty) Ltd ("Nice") Drive Series Sliding Gate Operator range extended warranty 1. 2. 3. Nice Drive... only applicable to Drive 300, Drive 500, Drive 600 & Drive 1000 operators produced f rom the 1st of March 2024. The warrant...
Nice - Instruction Manuals: Automation for gates and road barriers / Motors for sliding gatesROBUS 400 - ROBUS 250 HS - from 04/2018...f risk INSTALLATION PRECAUTIONS * Prior to installing the drive motor, check that all mechanical components are in good wor...- - 500 - 600 - - 600 - 800 - - 800 - 900 - - 900 - 1000 - - Up to 4 10 15 4-6 20 25 6-8 35 40 8 - 10 - - 10 ...EN | pdf, 11.2 MBIT | pdf, 11.25 MBDE | pdf, 11.26 MBES | pdf, 11.2 MBFR | pdf, 11.27 MBNL | pdf, 11.27 MBPL | pdf, 11.2 MBRU | pdf, 11.28 MBOther languagesRB400, RB250HS
Nice - Instruction Manuals: Automation for gates and road barriers / Motors for sliding gatesROBUS 400 - ROBUS 250 HS - up to 04/2018...f risk INSTALLATION PRECAUTIONS * Prior to installing the drive motor, check that all mechanical components are in good wor...- - 500 - 600 - - 600 - 800 - - 800 - 900 - - 900 - 1000 - - Up to 4 10 15 4-6 20 25 6-8 35 40 8 - 10 - - 10 ...EN | pdf, 11.18 MBIT | pdf, 11.18 MBFR | pdf, 11.22 MBES | pdf, 11.18 MBDE | pdf, 11.34 MBNL | pdf, 11.2 MBPL | pdf, 11.18 MBRU | pdf, 11.17 MBOther languagesRB400, RB250HS
Nice - Instruction Manuals: Automation for gates and road barriers / Motors for sliding gatesROBUS 600/1000 - ROBUS 500 HS - from 04/2018...f risk INSTALLATION PRECAUTIONS * Prior to installing the drive motor, check that all mechanical components are in good wor...Nice RB500HS RB600 RB1000 For sliding gates EN - Instructions and warnings for installation and use CONTENTS GENERAL WARNING...EN | pdf, 11.86 MBIT | pdf, 11.95 MBDE | pdf, 11.9 MBES | pdf, 11.81 MBFR | pdf, 11.93 MBNL | pdf, 11.87 MBPL | pdf, 11.8 MBRU | pdf, 11.81 MBAR | pdf, 11.9 MBOther languagesRB600, RB600P, RB1000, RB1000P, RB500HS
Nice - Instruction Manuals: Automation for gates and road barriers / Motors for sliding gatesROBUS 600/1000 - ROBUS 500 HS - up to 04/2018...f risk INSTALLATION PRECAUTIONS * Prior to installing the drive motor, check that all mechanical components are in good wor...Nice RB600/600P RB1000/1000P RB500HS RB500HS/V1 For sliding gates EN - Instructions and warnings for installation and use CO...EN | pdf, 11.82 MBIT | pdf, 11.88 MBFR | pdf, 11.87 MBES | pdf, 11.82 MBDE | pdf, 11.88 MBNL | pdf, 11.88 MBPL | pdf, 11.86 MBRU | pdf, 11.83 MBAR | pdf, 728.92 KBOther languagesRB600, RB600P, RB1000, RB1000P, RB500HS