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Nice products: green design

Nice designs its solutions according to the principles of eco-design, favouring regenerated materials and limiting energy consumption by integrating dedicated technologies.
The Nice Green Innovation icon helps the most sensitive customers identify the solutions most attentive to protecting the planet.

Nice products: green design

An essential imperative

Since 2018, the LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) of our products has made us aware of the indirect impacts that arise from the use phase. The Scope 3 emissions analysed in the process of calculating the carbon footprint also confirm that the categories with the highest emissions are the materials purchased and the use of the products sold by consumers.

Creating products with a lesser impact throughout their life cycles is thus our main objective.
In 2022 we obtained EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) certification at the process level. We can now focus on new product lines with a lesser impact on the planet.


Products epd-certified in 2022


Million euro invested in R&D


Intellectual property rights


of emissions generated by the production and usage of our products

Material topic Goal for 2025
Energy consumption of the product - Reduction of energy consumption during both the product use and stand-by phases
- Increase in the number of products powered by solar panels or batteries
Eco-design and circular economy - Partnerships with research institutions and universities for research and development on reduced environmental impact materials
- Exclusive use of recycled plastic
- 100% low environmental impact packaging (recycled paper and cardboard, zero plastic, natural ink)
- Extension of product useful life, ensuring maintenance and the ability to replace worn and/or defective parts
- Adoption of biodegradable plastics for selected projects
Product certification - EPD certification of all new product lines