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Corporate Social Responsibility

In line with our vision, we embrace corporate responsibility and consolidate a process of growth, development and sustainability with and for our employees.

To achieve our ESG object of “Allocation of a share of the economic value generated for community projects”, we are upholding our Nice values by utilizing corporate donations, volunteering, and participating in social and environmental sponsorship initiatives.

“Do not just take, give”

Read about our latest partnership:

Corporate Social Responsibility

Nice becomes Emergency Partner of UNICEF

Nice and UNICEF supporting emergencies for positive change, all over the world

Now more than ever, UNICEF is facing a high number of emergencies, affecting several countries around the world, and upsetting the lives of millions of children and their families.

Renewing our commitment to social welfare, we become Emergency Partner of UNICEF and commit to a multi-year donations plan to cope with humanitarian emergencies, which ensures rapid, coordinated, and effective aid to children in areas affected by conflict and natural disasters.

From local to global dimensions, the company thus intends to pursue tangible actions to make the world a safer, fairer, and more welcoming place for all. As a confirmation of this, a Nice Donations Committee has been established, whose members have the responsibility to align all the donations’ activity with the shared global CSR strategy, translated through an inclusive approach.

Nice will actively involve its Nice People in this solidarity initiative: through a charity race, called Play Nice, all colleagues at a global level will be directly engaged in supporting UNICEF and will be informed on an ongoing basis over the areas covered by the donations.

“The commitment to support UNICEF is part of Nice’s DNA, which looks into the future with optimism, towards innovative ideas that generate new opportunities - values that are especially represented by children, whom UNICEF is protecting all over the world. A global sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility project that at Nice also embraces diversity and inclusion, collaboration and the creation of shared value with its communities. Doing business also includes championing worthy causes, supporting our mission to improve people’s quality of life” - Juan Pablo Boz, Chief Marketing Officer and member of the Donations Committee at Nice.

“At Nice, we do believe that authentic social impact and sustainability come not only from corporate strategies, but also from the actions and involvement of our Nice People. The internal communication campaign we have just launched is an invitation to all colleagues globally to join us in this extraordinary solidarity effort with UNICEF. The involvement does not stop with donations but extends to raising awareness through sharing the stories of those who need our help. We want to make our commitment to building a more equal tangible future, a value that permeates Nice’ culture and we will continue to nurture throughout our company’s journey. Together, we can "Play Nice" by being conscious of how revolutionary daily gestures of people and communities can be” - Teo Noschese, Group Chief Human Resources Officer and member of the Donations Committee at Nice.