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The Nice environment: a gentle footprint

For Nice, there are two pillars to respect for the environment: decreasing the direct impact of its production and commercial activities and creating devices that minimise the environmental impacts of the buildings in which they are installed.

The Nice environment: a gentle footprint

Our milestones

One milestone in the Nice sustainable transition process is measuring greenhouse gas emissions: the first step to reducing our carbon footprint. We measure the direct and indirect emissions (Scope 1, 2, and 3) of our organization and have identified a reduction plan aligned with the science-based targets.

Percentage of Scope 1 emissions by source

Scope 1 emissions are those generated by owned plants (or controlled directly by Nice) and can be traced back to the use of fossil fuels to power heating systems, electricity generators or vehicles - in addition to fugitive emissions of refrigerant gases.

Percentage of Scope 1 emissions by source

Scope 1 and 2 emissions

Scope 2 emissions are all indirect emissions deriving from energy purchased by the company. Overall, direct emissions compared to indirect energy-related emissions have a more significant weight.

Scope 1

Scope 3 emissions

In addition to the Scope 1 and 2 categories, we have calculated the emissions of Scope 3, i.e. all indirect emissions upstream and downstream of the value chain, further expanding our greenhouse gas monitoring. It thus emerged that, in our business, the two most impacting categories — which determine approximately 98% of the emissions produced — are goods purchased and those sold.

Percentage of Scope 3 emissions by category
Material topic Goals for 2025
Energy consumption of the organization Progressive achievement of energy self-sufficiency or 100% energy from renewable sources certified through guarantee of origin
Fighting climate change and preventing pollution Scope 1,2:
-30% of CO2 by 2025 (Scope 2, -80%)
-50% of CO2 by 2030 (Scope 2, -100%)
Scope 3:
-10% of CO2 by 2025
-25% of CO2 by 2030
Circular economy Keeping the percentage of recyclable waste near 99%, while reducing its overall quantity