Country Gates unveils new showroom for Nice products
17 March 2017

Long term Nice UK customer Country Gates have opened their new product showroom, complete with working models of some of their most successful products. To celebrate the grand opening, Nice UK Managing Director Ian Alderson visited the showroom and gave the Nice seal of approval to the new room.
Inspired by the success of the Nice UK showroom and training centre, opened in 2016, the automatic gates company have given pride of place to the Nice Hi-Speed range, with an entire wall dedicated to the innovative gate motors. Security is one of the top concerns for Country Gates customers and Nice customers alike, so the appeal of the Hi-Speed motors is strong; with opening times up to three times faster than many standard models, the Hi-Speed option is among the safest on the market.
Country Gates have also included a wall display highlighting the wide range of transmitters available from Nice and working examples of Nice motors powering sliding and swing gates. They have found innovative and effective ways to showcase their product offering of high quality wrought iron and solid wood gates.
The Stockport-based business have worked alongside Nice for many years, creating automatic gate solutions that have delighted their customers.
See also
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