Aéroport international d’Istanbul
Istanbul, Turquie
System for the automation of interior blinds.
The 95th anniversary of the foundation of the Turkish Republic was the occasion for the inauguration of the new Istanbul International Airport, a project in which Nice offered its know-how developed in over twenty-five years of experience: thanks to its Turkish subsidiary, Nice provided the automation systems for the interior blinds of the airport’s control tower and weather station, installing about 150 motors.
Located in the Arnavutköy district, in the European side of Istanbul, and designed to become the largest airport in the world, the Turkish hub is the result of an investment worth a total of 10 billion euros. Deployed in an area of 77 million square meters, when fully operating the structure will handle around 150-200 million passengers yearly.
Nice motors, which control and manage the opening and closing of the internal blinds of the control tower and of the weather station, belong to the Nice Era Inn range of automation systems, which stand out for versatility of use. Nice systems are the best choice for commercial buildings, hotels and other public spaces, as well as for residential applications; they guarantee the minimum level of vibration during opening and closing manoeuvres, ensuring the absolute silence, precision and safety in every movement.
Installed Products
Era INN Edge S