
At Nice, we believe that ‘True freedom is an open world’ and we want to help people feel safe and experience an open world thanks to our solutions that enable communication and interconnection between living spaces and the environment, embracing and leveraging differences. In line with our sustainable transition program, NiceLoveEarth, announced in July 2021, we aim to promote a production model attentive to the well-being of the planet and individuals.

We take action in all areas of sustainability:

Right for Our Business

In order to achieve our sustainability goals, we are implementing suitable governance and policy structures while harmonising quality, environment and safety management systems, as well as investing in sustainable innovation. Our headquarters obtained ISO 14001 certification in 2022, attesting to our commitment to continuously improving the environmental performance of our processes. We have implemented a new global energy policy aimed at outlining general principles on the procurement and use of energy in all key Nice processes.

Right for Our Planet

We are committed to reducing the direct and indirect impact of our production and sales activities and to creating devices that minimise their environmental impact. We act to minimise our direct impact and the effect of our business activities by choosing to use energy from renewable sources within our companies, and our indirect impact by monitoring and studying actions to reduce emissions related to our products. Within our integrated portfolio of solutions, many of our products help reduce the energy consumption of buildings.

Right for Our People

We embrace multiple voices, engaging in constant, ongoing dialogue with the various categories of stakeholders. We protect the rights of our people and improve everyone’s quality of life by creating connected, comfortable, secure and sustainable spaces. At Nice, we also consider the protection and safety of our employees and all stakeholders in our value chain; our commitment in this respect is linked to the definition of criteria for selecting suppliers that respect certain social standards, selecting partners that guarantee respect for the fundamental rights of workers.

Right for Our Products

Nice designs its solutions according to the principles of eco-design, favouring regenerated materials and limiting energy consumption. Nice Green Innovation icons define the solutions most attentive to protecting the planet, helping customers in their conscious buying choices. We are constantly increasing product measurement, taking into account the entire life cycle; in 2022, we obtained EPD process certification allowing us to assess the performance of Nice products and act from the design stage in improving their energy and durability performance.


Our idea of Sustainability