
Nice and the community of architects trace out the future of technologies to improve building comfort and efficiency

29 June 2018


In collaboration with EdicomEdizioni and with the sponsorship of FederlegnoArredo and Assotende, Nice and Green Building Connected Italia have promoted and organised a seminar dedicated to architects, engineers and designers on the theme "Connected Living. How technology in buildings can make homes more comfortable". The event brought together about 80 architects and designers in TheNicePlace, with sector experts and professors taking part as speakers.

In particular, participants included Mauro Roglieri, Secretary of the Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia Chapter of GBC Italia and CEO of MR Energy, Michele De Carli, Associate Professor in Energy and Building at Padua University and Alberto Cecchetto, Full Professor at the IUAV University of Venice and owner of Studio Cecchetto. Roglieri emphasised the role of GBC in publicising themes associated with environmental sustainability, going beyond energy efficiency alone, to also consider the building from a holistic viewpoint: "Sustainability is what everyone is talking about and it sets us all important and fundamental objectives to achieve. The decisions to be made necessitate constant dialogue, because the interests and interlocutors around the table are numerous and diverse and there is a need for a common language"All speakers highlighted how environmental comfort is ever more becoming a key factor in valorising buildings, as the construction quality of homes and offices has a significant influence on psychophysical health and the productivity of the activities taking place there.

Particularly noteworthy was the contribution from Massimo Riggio, Nice Chief Marketing Officer, who described the company's wide offer of smart home and building automation systems, above all, solutions to control irradiation and natural light, defining the growth trends of the Smart Home: "The Smart Home technologies segment is set to grow, from 7.9 billion dollars in 2017 to 27.2 billion dollars in 2022 in Europe alone, according to Statista predictions. In 2018, the Doxa observatory also reported that in Italy, one Italian in four has at least one building automation appliance, in particular for air conditioning, heating and security. It is estimated that the automated home is worth 10% more - there is an increase in demand for accommodation with provision for installing hi-tech systems and 24% of those carrying out a refurbishment also include elements of automation in their project".

The second part of the presentations was dedicated to an exchange of views among representatives of some of the sector’s well-known companies - Bandalux iGuzzini, Clivet and Manens Tifs - who analysed the most recent products and systems available on the market and presented case histories of certified buildings with high comfort performance.

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