
“The brand is a way of life”: The Nice experience of Automatec, from Chile

16 October 2016


In October, we had the pleasure to welcome in Italy a group of Home Automation professionals from Chile accompanied by Automatec, our long-term distributor in South America, who provides, since 2007, smart solutions to automate homes, offices and industries.

Our customers enjoyed an intense program of activities we specially organized for them. They visited the Headquarters and shared a slice of our company life at TheNicePlace; they put their hands on products in our brand new training room with the support of Nice Technical team, who answered their questions about the latest products news and guided them through our R&D Department and cutting-edge in-house Labs and test rooms. And their experience was enriched with the opportunity to discover and enjoy the beauties of our magnificent territory: the magic of Venice, the taste of Prosecco hills, Verona and its famous arena.

Being the first time for them visiting the Nice Headquarters, and for many the first time visiting Italy too, Automatec were very impressed and enthusiastic about this trip. They wrote us their experience and emotions in a letter that we are happy to share:

“[…] Todo fue muy especial y muy particular. Será una vivencia que recordaremos con mucho agrado cada vez que nos transportemos nuevamente allá, aunque sea en forma de recuerdo. […] Nuestra visita a Nice fue una experiencia única para todos, y logramos comprender que Nice es una empresa con un objetivo que va más allá de la calidad, sino que también apunta a mejorar la relación de los entornos con diseños estéticos que se adaptan a convivir perfectamente con el medio agregando diseño a un espacio y embelleciéndolo aún más. […] No me cabe ninguna duda de que se logró el objetivo de la visita, se acrecentó nuestro cariño y compromiso por la marca y podemos asegurar que más allá de la experiencia vivida, nuestro agradecimiento a todos los que interactuaron con nosotros, directa o indirectamente, pero notamos que más allá de haber sido un esfuerzo, aprendimos a que para NICE la marca es una filosofía.” Alejandro González, Gerente General Automatec

“[…] Everything was so special, so unique. It will be a living experience that we will never forget and which we will relive with pleasure whenever the memories return to mind. […] Our visit to Nice was an unparalleled experience for everyone, as it dawned on each one of us that Nice is a company with a goal that transcends quality, and seeks to improve the relationship with the surrounding context through aesthetic designs that meld seamlessly with the environment, adding design to a space and making it even more beautiful. […] I have no doubt that the purpose of the visit was accomplished. Our affection and commitment to the brand has grown, and beyond the experience we have lived, you can be sure of our gratitude to everyone who directly or indirectly met and spoke to us. But even more important than all the effort, we have learned that for Nice, the brand is a way of life.” Alejandro González, Gerente General Automatec.

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