Control your home even when you are away, with your smartphone!

Nice cuts waiting time with the line of Hi-Speed motors!
News, views and inspiring picks from the Nice World
#NiceLifeOctober 2020
Nice Love Earth - The sustainable engagement of Nice receives the Buygreen award
Nice contributes to the creation of an increasingly sustainable world through several concrete actions.
#NiceLifeAugust 2020
Smart Life - New Smart City models, between Internet of Things, security and automation
Nice is at the forefront of contributing to the intelligent and automated transformation of cities.
#NiceProductsJune 2020
Nice BiDirectional system with LoRa® technology, for more comfort and greater efficiency
Nice line of BiDirectional devices with LoRa® long-range radio technology: Era One LR BiDirectional transmitter and OXI LR BiDirectional plug-in receiver.
#NiceProductsMay 2020
Spy Hi-Speed: faster garage doors
The Nice Hi-Speed series of automation systems is now even wider with Spy Hi-Speed, the practical and smart high-speed solution for sectional and up-and-over doors.
#NiceProductsMay 2020
With Nice, control systems become touchless!
Air is the new wall-mounted touchless transmitter, which gives you the ability to control automation systems for blinds and shutters with a simple gesture.
#NiceinAustraliaJune 2019
Great success for Nice sun shading systems at Super Expo 2019!
Nice was among the protagonists at the Super Expo 2019 in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia’s largest trade exhibition for the window furnishing and specialized textiles industries.