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Nice governance: a strong company

To achieve our sustainability goals, we are adopting adequate governance and policy structures, while harmonising quality, environment and safety management systems and investments in sustainable innovation.

Nice governance: a strong company

Our milestones

We set up an internal team to implement our ESG policies with a guiding role, consisting of five members, four men and one woman, which acts transversally at the level of the headquarters and all our companies, through an ESG Operational Team and ESG local points of contract, and includes members of the Research and Development, Operations, Marketing, HR and Finance areas.


members of the Sustainability Committee


Areas of action of the Sustainability Committee


Cases of corruption


Cases of socio-economic or environmental non-compliance

Material topic Goal for 2025
ESG Governance - Allocation of a share of the economic value generated for community projects
- Increased gender diversity on governance bodies and introduction of independent directors
- Adoption of ESG risk assessment and management tools
Process certification - ISO 14001 certification of all manufacturing plants